Friday, February 27, 2009

for serious?

"Night after night I found myself awake exploring inward and outwardly, sending my gaze back and forth between my physical inner workings and out of a high rise window over a sea of lights, all the while in awe of the collective super-subconscious." - jason mraz (in japan)

i enjoy jraz's blog. good mix of humor, self-congratulatory nonsense and clever insights. once in a while it gets a little too ridiculous - today was one of those days. i actually stopped reading mid-post right after this quote and thought to myself - ok... what? blog this, we must and came directly here. {ok just went back and read the rest - more of the same - awesome!}

namaste to you jason.

1 comment:

Team Jones said...

ah, Mr. A to Z. He is quite the tool but I love him. Can't help it.

I put him in the same category as Matt McConaughey. Totally ridiculous, totally a tool, but totally true to self.