Friday, May 30, 2008


here's my baby bump.
is it exciting to finally showing - yes.
am i annoyed that a stranger would just think i'm fat - yes.
would i call this striped shirt "prison chic" - yes.

6 days until our baby gender determining ultrasound.
am i having dreams where we're late to the appointment
so the desk-nurse turns us away and then i cry on the floor - yes.

voluptuously yours,

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Cyrillic for Babushka = Grandmother in Russian, also Baba

About 30% of who I am & what I do today can be directly drawn to my Baba. My Dad's mom, Nadya McCann, was a fierce and fiery woman who lived half her life in China and the other half in San Francisco. And, was as complicated a woman as vodka is Russian. Spoke over 8 languages, played golf like a pro when woman were an exception on the course, never shopped sales and could curse my Dad under the table (often ending our visits with a somewhat slurred and thick accented "Alan, you ass-hole. I love you. Scratch my head" - which, come to think of it, take away the slur & accent we're left with my Dad's departure comments as well... hmm... apple, tree, not far to fall). And, though cliche to a Babushka, nonetheless true - she was unbelievable in the kitchen - the borsche, the pashka, the pilemeni, the stroganoff... OMFG... my pregnant-mind often dreams of her buttery concoctions. I can honestly say that I have yet to have a better meal than the last Russian Orthodox Easter we had with a healthy Baba in 1997. I attribute 100% of my cooking prowess and 75% of my profanity to her (college roommates get the other 25%).

One of my more lasting memories of Baba was luckily capture on film (thank you Daddio for knowing comedy and awkwardness when you see it). A little set-up: Baba loved Vegas... L-O-V-E-D it. A perfect Baba day consisted of golfing during the day and dollar slots accompanied by bottomless vodka tonics and Budweiser at night. On 2 occasions my Dad and Baba took my sister Rocket and me with them on their golfing & gambling excursions. Once we saw Tom Jones and the other Cirque De Soleil. And, I could write like 2 million blogs about what Rocky (9 then 11 years old) and I (11 then 13 years old) did during the days we were left alone in major casinos with nothing but the Vegas Strip, $200 dollars and 8 hours of youthful ambition to keep us company. After one such day ending with Baba saying something along the lines of "how could you girls spend ALL that money in 8 hours? Erin you're 11 years old. You know better", she decided to take a long soak in the in-room jacuzzi while we just hung out waiting impatiently to go to the buffet downstairs. It was at this point that Big-Daddy posed this picture:

Rocket, me, & Baba.
Luxor Hotel. Las Vegas, 1994

Mid-pubescently yours,

Monday, May 19, 2008

what time is it?

summer time,
it's our vaction!

what time is it?
summer time,
school's out,
scream & shout!!!

how do i know, you may ask. well...

1. B sans finals

oh, freedom. i love you.

2. finally, plentiful not-as-expensive watermelon

nothing smells sweeter to my pregnant olfactory sense than the fresh crisp scent of newly cut watermelon. yum... hold on a sec, i have to go cut one of the two I bought today at Costco for $6... and we're back.

3. all my prego friends are a poppin'

hannah (baby) and joy (new mommy) asleep after what I assume was a very long day. maybe the cutest picture of all time...

4. the end of american idol (phew - sorry, not a huge fan save the final 3 or so episodes) meaning the beginning of So.... You.... Think... You... Can.... Dance !!!!!

not a single things screams summer louder than shooby-dooby-dance.

Hot-Tamale-Train-ely Yours,

Monday, May 12, 2008

our baby's all growns up and he's all growns up

my brother is about to be a senior in high school. he's gone to prom & kissed a girl, and he's applying to college & is growing far beyond 6 feet. he makes me feel old... and short. makes me wonder about the passage of time - how someone can go from a little punk kid to a big punk high schooler. makes me think that it will be no time before our bumble arrives. garsh. when b and i got married he looked like this:

yes, my brother gave us a wedding gift called "the gas we pass" and b had super cute spikey hair 5 years ago. and, my mom is a stone cold fox.

in closing, time does weird things.

anciently yours,

Sunday, May 11, 2008

laughing, crying, sharing...

as the end of the school year is upon (or close to upon) us we can pause and reflect...and perhaps send one another an e-greeting or two. my new favorite site for sending out the occasional flirty comment or witty banter is where these e-cards can be shared (btw - these are all chosen because I could have sent them myself):

enjoy the warm weather and send me some funny e-cards.

serendipitously yours,

thanks to Krystal P for the e-suggestion.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

If it's free take two...

This piece of Daddy-McCann wisdom is hard to pass up with Coldplay handing out new songs like candy. (Daddy-0's other bits of wisdom include gems like: never split 10's in blackjack - I was 7 the first time I heard that one) This new uber-opus from the UK's second favorite sons hit me as different from their earlier work. To be honest it reminded me - in a good way - of a toned down version of the Beatles' Helter Skelter off the 'White Album'. Overall, I enjoyed the listen and am anxious for the upcoming album release. For all those Chris Martin haters - sorry - but, I really like him and his somewhat toolish eco/trade-conscious ways. The album cover artwork is pretty cool - in that French Revolution Chic kind of way.

So, get the song free here. And decide for yourself if reinventing the Beatles' wheel is folly or fortune.

Ubiquitously yours,


ps that blog was way way to serious.