Tuesday, June 09, 2009

"By its very definition, Glee is about opening yourself up to joy"

this is gonna be HUGE. i watched this pilot last night while B continued his affair with barbri {all you law peeps know what's up - but for those out of the know, barbri is like kaplan for the bar, only it has grown large red horns & demands the lifeblood of your first born son}. watch this, seriously, like right now.

also, re-watched 'can't hardly wait' with friend cassie yesterday while em slept in their empty longing waiting crib
[come on baby brayley - anytime you are ready to come after your mom's spa day next week would be great}. i forget to remember how much i love that movie and how much it reminds me of my favorite people. {sigh}

92% yo!



BigRyan said...


BigRyan said...

Knock the boots!

erin said...

it's a flavor of love scented candle bitch!

Holly Snyder Thompson said...

Mike Dexter is a God! Mike Dexter is a ROLE MODEL!!

Holly Snyder Thompson said...

You could get ADDICTED!

Holly Snyder Thompson said...

What was I to do? How was I to proceed?

Holly Snyder Thompson said...

Denise Fleming is a tampon.

BigRyan said...

Its a cowboy hat.

Team Jones said...

oh, can't believe I missed out on this.....

I can't feel my legs, I have no legs!

Holly Snyder Thompson said...

Too little, too late, JR.

Holly Snyder Thompson said...

I'm harnessing my chi.

MDinkler said...

what was I supposed to do? get a dog?! NO! NO!