Tuesday, September 08, 2009


my baby's doing signs y'all. here they are in order of acquisition:

hello: waving like a royal - hand up, wrist a turnin' {just started to say HI}

goodbye: same as hello only with scrunched up nose and laughing eyes

fish: make a pa-pa sound {this is the most consistent sign} taught by grandma in hawaii - used for actual fish and goldfish crackers

you're-talking-on-the-phone sign: head cocked to one side, hand up to the ear, babbling.

duck: just the word. duc-duc-duc. often while grabbing her feet - she has yellow jams with ducks on the feet.

milk: i wanted to pick a different sign, but "milking a cow" just came naturally. you should know that she now makes this sign when she catches a glance of me in my all together. thanks kid. i know. i make milk.

blue berries: imagine you're making the 'b' sound, only remove the sound and just do the action with your lips. today she was insistent that what she was eating was NOT blue berries, that she wanted blue berries, and that grapes were just not cutting it.

she also dances. claps for music she likes. gives kisses on demand. and just acquired the emerging skill of standing no-hands.

i cannot believe she is this grown-up. i feel her moving further into herself and farther away from me. it's a joy and a sadness.

sorry no pics. in the move i haven't had time to upload. promise they are coming soon and very soon.


1 comment:

valerie said...

love to hear em updates....i know what you mean, as they grow, it joy and sadness. for me also a fear of forgetting. i want to remember the curve of their cheeks and chubby hands, the way they smell and look first thing in the morning. you put it perfectly, joy and sadness.