We are officially 3 days overdue people! Baby girl Emelyne will come at her own sweet time. You should know that I have a habit of speaking for her as if I can hear all her thoughts. At the beginning of the pregnancy I would tell B that I didn't know what she was saying because she only spoke Japanese - well, now she's fluent in English a bit sassy and wiser than her months. She says things like "dad, this is just the beginning of you needing to exercise more patience than me" and "I really need apple fritters and organic milk" (she was very into watermelon this summer). My mom came into town a week ago to prepare for Emmie's arrival. We've been having fun doing crafts, going shopping, watching crime scene dramas, and today we're celebrating Mom's birthday by seeing a movie-musical, eating donuts (emelyne....) and taking a long-hopefully-labor-inducing walk. We're hoping that Em comes today - but she may come tomorrow or the next day. The doctors assure me that she will come sometime before the beginning of next week - either of her own will of the will of a petocin drip (those of you taken to praying can pray for a more natural birth situation in the next 6 days).
In other newsworthy news an official announcement - We're coming back to California in Summer '09. That's right friends - we're comin' home! B accepted a job from Cali-based trial law firm Quinn Emanuel. We're pretty stoked, though we'll miss New England and our dear dear friends here.
In preparation for our move I'm doing lots of research on real estate websites like Zillow & Redfin (beware - these sites are major time vacuums). We plan to live somewhere in the East Bay (see map below - Contra Costa County is most likely).
When baby comes we promise more updates and of course pictures!
Duely yours,